Lisa Bergman

Excited to be in large groups of people and passionate about school systems that work.

Alyson Murphy

Enjoys crisp mountain air and solving challenging problems.

Want a Safe School? Start with an Authentic School Climate

March 28, 2024 | Governing for Greatness Series Safe schools start with a focus on creating an authentic school climate that puts students first. Join Wendy Larvick, Institute Director of Policy & Partnerships, as she talks with Raihan Akther, Ed.S., Principal, Bridge Academy West, and Chris White, Ed.D., Director of Assessment and Evaluation, Central Michigan…

Build a Better Budget

Recorded February 22, 2024 | Governing for Greatness Series Successful schools have strong boards and great leaders. We believe it is critically important to establish roles and responsibilities between the chief executive and the board. Boards that govern for greatness understand that management’s role in the budget development process is mission critical. Join us for…

The Secret to Student Success is in the Details

Recorded January 25, 2024 | Governing for Greatness Series One could argue that the most important aspect of board governance is ensuring that the students in your school are learning. Everyone wants to ensure that students are actually learning in their school. Join the Institute’s Chief Operating Officer, Mary Bradley, as she talks with Kelli Booth, Executive…

Educators as Advocates

Fight for the things that you care about. Whether it is federal, state, or local policy, charter authorizers are impacted by the decisions of others. The good news is that authorizers can influence this policy. Join the Institute to better understand who makes these policies, how they are crafted, and how your authorizing organization can use its voice and the voices of those they serve to ensure only the best policies get enacted.

Boards as Strategic Planners: Ensuring the Mission is Accomplished

Understanding how a charter school’s goals and mission align for the best outcomes for kids is a key responsibility for a charter school board. Strategic planning provides an overall framework to help a board ensure the mission is accomplished. Listen to some practical ways board members do this work by joining Mary Bradley, the Institute’s Chief Operating Officer, as she talks with Jeff Wasbes, Executive Deputy Director for Accountability at the SUNY Charter Schools Institute, and charter school board members Joan Waldron, Amy Kolz, and Michele Joerg.

Prioritizing School Security – Think Different, Not More.

In today’s world, safety and security in schools is paramount, but the key for school leaders is to think differently about what strategies best serve their environment versus continuously adopting the latest trends. Watch Institute President & CEO Jim Goenner as he talks to Mark Paliszewski, Managing Director at Recon Management Group LLC, about how school leadership can be strategically proactive regarding school safety. Then stick around as Institute Chief Operating Officer Mary Bradley and Mark will be available for a live Q&A session.

Strategies for Ensuring a Successful Budget

Now is the time to ensure board members are focused on ensuring next school year’s budget supports the strategic direction of the school. Join us for this session of the Board Network Governing for Greatness series where we’ll dive deeper into questions from last month. Join Fulton Breen, Senior Director, Afton Parners, and Mary Bradley, our COO, as they discuss the board’s role in strategic budgeting and how to best work with school leadership with financial expert Fulton Breen, Senior Director of Afton Partners.

Keep Your School Financially Fit

Effective boards prepare a financial plan to ensure a school’s mission will be met and take the time to regularly evaluate their school’s financial performance. Join Institute President & CEO, Dr. Jim Goenner, and Charter School Business Management Inc., Founder & CEO, Raj Thakkar, as they discuss how boards can provide sound fiscal oversight and keep their school financially fit.

The Secret to Student Success is in the Details

Recorded January 25, 2024 | Governing for Greatness Series

One could argue that the most important aspect of board governance is ensuring that the students in your school are learning. Everyone wants to ensure that students are actually learning in their school. Join the Institute’s Chief Operating Officer, Mary Bradley, as she talks with Kelli Booth, Executive Director at the Northern Utah Academy for Math, Engineering & Science, on the best practices for measuring and reporting student academics. We’ll uncover the details to ensuring each and every student is learning and growing.

5 Ideas to Promote Your School: Serving as Advocates & Ambassadors

Effective charter school board members know they represent both the public and the school they serve. This involves strong communication skills and the ability to tell their school’s special story. Hear about best practices and learn how you might best promote your school as an advocate and ambassador by joining Institute Director of Policy & Partnerships Wendy Larvick and strategic communications and advocacy expert Peri Lynn Turnbull of PLT Strategies for this informative session.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Board Chairs

Recorded August 31, 2023 | Governing for Greatness Series

Proactively Planning a Productive Meeting:
Building strong habits helps board chairs ensure highly effective board practice. Join Institute Partner Mark Weinberg as he shares the first of seven habits that boards can strive to implement to ensure productive meetings.

What Boards Should Know About Facilities and Financing

Recorded October 19, 2023 | Governing for Greatness Series

Learn about Charter Schools Development Corporation at

What Board Members Should Know About Enrollment Efforts

Recorded December 1, 2023 | Governing for Greatness Series

Learn more about Schola

Want a Safe School? Start with an Authentic School Climate
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Want a Safe School? Start with an Authentic School Climate

March 28, 2024 | Governing for Greatness Series Safe schools start with a focus on creating an authentic school climate that puts students first. Join Wendy Larvick, Institute Director of Policy & Partnerships, as she talks with Raihan Akther, Ed.S., Principal, Bridge Academy West, and Chris White, Ed.D., Director of Assessment and Evaluation, Central Michigan…

Build a Better Budget
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Build a Better Budget

Recorded February 22, 2024 | Governing for Greatness Series Successful schools have strong boards and great leaders. We believe it is critically important to establish roles and responsibilities between the chief executive and the board. Boards that govern for greatness understand that management’s role in the budget development process is mission critical. Join us for…

The Secret to Student Success is in the Details
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The Secret to Student Success is in the Details

Recorded January 25, 2024 | Governing for Greatness Series One could argue that the most important aspect of board governance is ensuring that the students in your school are learning.  Everyone wants to ensure that students are actually learning in their school.  Join the Institute’s Chief Operating Officer, Mary Bradley, as she talks with Kelli Booth, Executive…

Educators as Advocates

Educators as Advocates

Fight for the things that you care about. Whether it is federal, state, or local policy, charter authorizers are impacted by the decisions of others. The good news is that authorizers can influence this policy. Join the Institute to better understand who makes these policies, how they are crafted, and how your authorizing organization can use its voice and the voices of those they serve to ensure only the best policies get enacted.

Boards as Strategic Planners: Ensuring the Mission is Accomplished

Boards as Strategic Planners: Ensuring the Mission is Accomplished

Understanding how a charter school’s goals and mission align for the best outcomes for kids is a key responsibility for a charter school board. Strategic planning provides an overall framework to help a board ensure the mission is accomplished. Listen to some practical ways board members do this work by joining Mary Bradley, the Institute’s Chief Operating Officer, as she talks with Jeff Wasbes, Executive Deputy Director for Accountability at the SUNY Charter Schools Institute, and charter school board members Joan Waldron, Amy Kolz, and Michele Joerg.

Prioritizing School Security – Think Different, Not More.

Prioritizing School Security – Think Different, Not More.

In today’s world, safety and security in schools is paramount, but the key for school leaders is to think differently about what strategies best serve their environment versus continuously adopting the latest trends. Watch Institute President & CEO Jim Goenner as he talks to Mark Paliszewski, Managing Director at Recon Management Group LLC, about how school leadership can be strategically proactive regarding school safety. Then stick around as Institute Chief Operating Officer Mary Bradley and Mark will be available for a live Q&A session.

Strategies for Ensuring a Successful Budget

Strategies for Ensuring a Successful Budget

Now is the time to ensure board members are focused on ensuring next school year’s budget supports the strategic direction of the school. Join us for this session of the Board Network Governing for Greatness series where we’ll dive deeper into questions from last month. Join Fulton Breen, Senior Director, Afton Parners, and Mary Bradley, our COO, as they discuss the board’s role in strategic budgeting and how to best work with school leadership with financial expert Fulton Breen, Senior Director of Afton Partners.

Keep Your School Financially Fit

Keep Your School Financially Fit

Effective boards prepare a financial plan to ensure a school’s mission will be met and take the time to regularly evaluate their school’s financial performance. Join Institute President & CEO, Dr. Jim Goenner, and Charter School Business Management Inc., Founder & CEO, Raj Thakkar, as they discuss how boards can provide sound fiscal oversight and keep their school financially fit.

The Secret to Student Success is in the Details

The Secret to Student Success is in the Details

Recorded January 25, 2024 | Governing for Greatness Series

One could argue that the most important aspect of board governance is ensuring that the students in your school are learning. Everyone wants to ensure that students are actually learning in their school. Join the Institute’s Chief Operating Officer, Mary Bradley, as she talks with Kelli Booth, Executive Director at the Northern Utah Academy for Math, Engineering & Science, on the best practices for measuring and reporting student academics. We’ll uncover the details to ensuring each and every student is learning and growing.

5 Ideas to Promote Your School: Serving as Advocates & Ambassadors

5 Ideas to Promote Your School: Serving as Advocates & Ambassadors

Effective charter school board members know they represent both the public and the school they serve. This involves strong communication skills and the ability to tell their school’s special story. Hear about best practices and learn how you might best promote your school as an advocate and ambassador by joining Institute Director of Policy & Partnerships Wendy Larvick and strategic communications and advocacy expert Peri Lynn Turnbull of PLT Strategies for this informative session.