Authorizer Coaching, Consulting & Capacity Building
Leadership is the Capacity to Translate Vision Into Reality
Great authorizing requires capacity. Too often though, authorizers lack the talent, resources and time needed to do the job right. That’s why the Institute equips and supports organizations of all types and sizes with the horse-power and know-how they need to be a quality authorizer. Whether you’re looking for assistance with strategy, an external review of your policies and practices, or hands-on support with applications, renewals, interventions, or closures, our team is ready to help get the work done.
Strategic Planning
Our proven authorizer strategic planning methods guide your focus, engagement and alignment for quality authorizing in today’s complex and challenging educational environment. Our seasoned authorizer consultants will facilitate meetings, gather necessary data, create planning documents and provide an executive presentation to communicate the strategic direction.
Organizational Audit and Process Review
Outdated policies and organizational processes can leave an authorizer and the schools they oversee at risk. Let our team lead an internal audit to determine if your organization is up-to-date with regulations and industry best practices. Feedback will be gathered from internal and external stakeholders with a resulting gap analysis report.
Managing the Charter School Lifecycle
Preparing for and navigating each phase of the charter lifecycle drives great authorizing. Our guiding expertise, tools and systems support can assist with the application and decision making process to open or expand quality charter schools, to properly launching new school start-ups, to ongoing monitoring and oversight, to interventions and corrective action planning, to renewal if data supports it or to closure if it doesn’t.
Leadership Coaching
The Institute can provide in-person or online authorizer leadership coaching for emerging and established executives. We can help accelerate the transition of new or recently promoted team members into a new or expanded role, support leaders when managing change or rapid growth, or provide C-Suite or executive coaching for senior leaders. Our customized, transformative coaching is tied to organizational goals. We seek internal stakeholder alignment and strive to move ideas to action in real time.
Talent Gap Capacity
To keep up with the changing authorizer workforce demands and team member turnover, the Institute can consult with and provide interim talent support and capacity building solutions until leadership infrastructure is in place.
New Authorizer Application and Organizational Design Support
A charter school authorizer is a public oversight organization approved by each charter school state to authorize one or more charter schools. Each state has an application and process for approval to become an authorizer and we can assist with not only the application completion but also can provide organizational design support once approved. Our experienced team can help create an authorizer infrastructure that will demonstrate a commitment to improved outcomes for students and to high performing charter schools.
Authorizer Professional Development
Great authorizing requires specialized skills to balance diverse and competing needs. The Institute can provide customized in-person or online professional development to sharpen the skills to manage this often complex work. Our team has years of experience in authorizing, charter school operations, oversight and charter school lifecycle processes including application, renewal, annual evaluation and closure/termination. We can also provide training for the authorizer board or for boards of authorized schools.