Board & School Relations
Do What is Right, Not What is Easy
Great boards know the difference between governance and management. However, even the best boards can experience challenges when doing their level best to govern effectively while remaining out of the management of the schools they govern. There are also situations in a school’s lifecycle during which a board must adjust its role.
Charter Application
The charter application process is akin to a multi-stage job interview and one that, when successful, results in a contract. Just like a job interview, first impressions are pivotal. A successful charter application presents a flawless image of the founding team’s ability to execute on its vision. The Institute team, based on their deep experience as both authorizers and operators, can help charter applicants make an excellent first impression and build the foundation for strong future relationships.

Board Development and Management
Once a charter is approved, the founding team must build a board that can ensure the success of the school. Sometimes this includes transitioning members of the founding team onto the board. It may also mean developing a governing board from the ground up. Authorizers appreciate a board that clearly understands its role in ensuring a school's success. The Institute has the experience and the tools to develop and maintain optimal board and authorizer relationships.
Charter Renewal
The Institute’s team can provide support during a charter renewal process, including preparing for site visits and preparing reports to the authorizer. However, charter renewal begins the day the charter contract is signed. The Institute can assist boards in preparing proactively for renewal throughout the term of the contract.