Jacqueline Johnson
Epicenter Support Specialist
Sales: 855-889-1623
Support: 855-889-1624
About Jackie
Jackie joined the Epicenter team in the spring of 2024, bringing a rich history in the IT industry with a career rooted in end-user/client support and training. Having held positions of increasing responsibility with Ricoh, Catalis and Accenture Federal Services, her background includes incident management, knowledge management, service desk operations, and many additional competencies necessary to deliver outstanding service to partners. Through her expertise with various proprietary and industry-standard applications, Jackie understands root cause analysis, identifying trends, and the user mindset. Ever present in her work is a passion for problem solving and providing resolutions to clients.
Connected Services
Connected Team
President & CEO Jim Goenner serves as President & CEO of the National Charter Schools Institute Chief Operating Officer Passionate about traveling, exploring other cultures and providing great educational options. Vice President for Leadership & Learning Experienced world traveler, who is passionate about learning and providing great schools for kids. Partner Excited to be in large groups of people and passionate about school systems that work.James N. Goenner, Ph.D.
Mary Bradley
Mark J. Weinberg
Lisa Bergman