Operational Oversight

Make sure due diligence takes place before key decisions are made. Policies and strategies are being implemented as intended. Key risks are identified, monitored, and mitigated. Business processes and systems are working well.

Authorizer Board Development

Great authorizers are difference makers for kids and communities. Making high-stakes decisions requires thoughtful deliberation and care. Our experts are here to support you! Leverage our deep expertise and national experience working with authorizers of all types and sizes.

Financial Oversight

A school’s single largest asset is the facility itself and its sole purpose is serving students programmatically and operationally with fiscal stewardship for the future. Too often Academies are not realizing the incredible opportunities available to maximize their facility and create lasting positive academic and financial change.

School Startup and Growth

Do you have a passion for educating kids? Do you dream of opening a new, innovative school? The team of subject matter experts at the Institute can help every step of the way including, charter application, board recruitment, facility identification, budget preparation, pre-operational project planning, and much more.

Board and Authorizer Relations

The charter contract is an agreement between the authorizer and a board. When the relationship between the two parties is optimized, kids win. Whether the relationship has not yet been built, or requires improvement, the experienced team at the Institute can help.

School Coaching and Consulting

Great schools have a number of things in common, key among them is the quality of their leaders. These leaders relentlessly pursue excellence. The Institute can assist schools in retaining, coaching and supporting school leaders.

Authorizer Coaching, Consulting and Capacity Building

Whether you’re looking for assistance with strategy, an external review of your policies and practices, or hands-on support with applications, renewals, interventions, or closures, our team is ready to help get the work done.

Board and School Relations

Successful schools have strong boards and great leaders. We believe the most important thing is to establish clarity about roles and responsibilities—especially between the chief executive and the board.

Support Organization Coaching and Consulting

Engage our experienced team of former CSO founders and executive leadership to guide change initiatives, increase impact, or re-introduce services.

School and Authorizer Relations

Great authorizers and schools ensure they are aligned to win for kids and deliver results. That’s why we coach and consult with new and veteran authorizers and schools across the country. Put our deep experience to work for you and we’ll help you grow and strengthen your capacity.

Board Training, Coaching and Consulting

Great Boards govern wisely. They know the difference between governance and management. They cultivate trust and respect, establish high expectations and encourage the heart. Put our years of hands-on experience with boards to work for you, and we’ll show you the transformational impact boards can have when they govern for greatness.

Financial Oversight

Financial Oversight

A school’s single largest asset is the facility itself and its sole purpose is serving students programmatically and operationally with fiscal stewardship for the future. Too often Academies are not realizing the incredible opportunities available to maximize their facility and create lasting positive academic and financial change.

School Startup and Growth

School Startup and Growth

Do you have a passion for educating kids? Do you dream of opening a new, innovative school? The team of subject matter experts at the Institute can help every step of the way including, charter application, board recruitment, facility identification, budget preparation, pre-operational project planning, and much more.