Statement from the National Charter Schools Institute on Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos

November 23, 2016 Contact: Don Cooper For Immediate Release (989) 317-3510 Mt. Pleasant, MI—James N. Goenner, Ph.D., President and CEO of the National Charter Schools Institute, released the following statement today: “Betsy DeVos is an inspiring champion for children and a bold choice for Secretary of Education. “The American entrepreneurial spirit is what has, and…

2016 Midwest Charter Schools Art Contest

A scientist. A musician. An athlete. A doctor. The President of the United States. What do you want to be when you grow up? Dream big! You can be anything that you want when you grow up. With hard work and help from your parents, teachers, and your school, you can get there. Create a picture…

Interview with Ted Kolderie 2016

On June 29, 2016, the Institute hosted a group of thought leaders and doers for an insightful conversation with Ted Kolderie, Co-Founder of Education Evolving and an inaugural member of the Charter Schools Hall of Fame. One of the originators of the charter schools idea, Ted is known to “challenge the givens.” He is a…


Statement from the National Charter Schools Institute on Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos

November 23, 2016 Contact: Don Cooper For Immediate Release (989) 317-3510 Mt. Pleasant, MI—James N. Goenner, Ph.D., President and CEO of the National Charter Schools Institute, released the following statement today: “Betsy DeVos is an inspiring champion for children and a bold choice for Secretary of Education. “The American entrepreneurial spirit is what has, and…