
Statement from the National Charter Schools Institute on Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos

November 23, 2016
Contact: Don Cooper

For Immediate Release
(989) 317-3510

Mt. Pleasant, MI—James N. Goenner, Ph.D., President and CEO of the National Charter Schools Institute, released the following statement today:

“Betsy DeVos is an inspiring champion for children and a bold choice for Secretary of Education.

“The American entrepreneurial spirit is what has, and will once again, make our nation great. Very few people embody this spirit more than Betsy. She has a big heart for kids and understands the transformative power of a great education.

“Betsy has been one of the nation’s most courageous voices for children and families. As Secretary, she’ll be able to challenge the status quo and foster an environment that encourages innovation and achievement for all.

“I congratulate Betsy and know that her passion and sense of urgency will be a winning combination for our kids and our country.”

About the National Charter Schools Institute. The National Charter Schools Institute is a values-driven 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose core purpose is to inspire and democratize excellence in education. For additional information, please visit www.CharterInstitute.Org.
