Charter Chat: From Belief to Achievement

Charter Network Series: Charter Chat Hear from experts about how they cultivate an atmosphere and community-wide believe system that all students can succeed. Join Institute host, Bob Bellafiore, and our…

Arc Changer Stories: Educating the Whole Child

Transforming Educational Journeys at Every Level See how the Colorado Charter School Institute and New Legacy Charter School are changing students’ lives with wraparound support. Watch this webinar and be inspired by arc changers and their stories! Catch a glimpse of a dynamic authorizer and school partnership in action in an all new #SchoolBrag video, followed by a…

Arc Changers’ Stories: Educating the Whole Child

Join this webinar and be inspired by Arc Changers and their stories! Catch a glimpse of a dynamic authorizer and school partnership in action in an all new #SchoolBrag video,…