
Institute Adds Expert to Help School Boards Excel

The National Charter Schools Institute strives to help school boards and authorizers throughout the country excel. We provide experts with diverse experience in the field of education who have improved charters throughout the nation and who can help your school succeed.

Earlier this year we added Bill Pistulka to our team. Pistulka spent his entire career in education and is eager to put his experience to work to help charter boards meet and exceed their goals and solve the challenges they face.

Before Pistulka joined the Institute, he worked in three different school districts in varied and distinguished positions in K-12 education, including 37 years as a teacher, coach, principal and superintendent. For the past ten years, he was the Charter Schools Officer at Northern Michigan University (NMU). During his tenure at NMU, Bill doubled the number of schools authorized by NMU, developed strong and practical policies for his schools, and increased the staff of the charter schools office.

Pistulka’s special skills include:
• Budget development
• Successful bond and millage proposals
• Collective bargaining leadership
• Board policy development
• Board recruitment and training
• School reform leadership models
• School and staff evaluations
• Site-facility development and renovations
• School improvement planning and academic growth and proficiency improvement models

“I started teaching in 1980, and I’ve been involved in education ever since,” Pistulka said. “I’ve experienced education from every angle and from very diverse regions, from urban, to suburban, to rural. I’m eager to continue to use that experience to help charters excel in education.”

If your school board has a retreat scheduled, or needs an expert with experience to talk to, Bill Pistulka would be happy to assist your organization in working through potential issues, advise on budgetary challenges, and help plan for the short-and long-term. Feel free to email him at bpistulka@charterinstitute.org or call him at (906) 360-8691.