College and Career Readiness Flow Chart

College and Career Readiness Flow Chart

The Los Angeles County Offce of Education (LACOE), in collaboration with two of the county’s authorized alternative charter schools, DaVinci RISE and the North Valley Military Institute, used the A-GAME process to add more college and career-ready opportunities than are currently recognized by the state in its college and career readiness measure. Using A-GAME facilitated discussions, LACOE learned of and appreciated the many diverse college and career-readiness opportunities that the schools provide. Though some of the pathways illustrated in the flow-chart are still under development, we believe that authorizers and alternative schools, alike, can benefit from the thinking expanded of the group about which pathways prepare students for a successful future. Pathways flowing through multiple shapes in the diagram indicate that a student needs to complete each item along the pathway to be considered college or career ready.

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